In a move that’s sure to leave everyone gloved and confused, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, has taken her bronzing game to a whole new level by sporting bronze gloves to match her famously sun-kissed complexion.

The decision comes after Meghan’s frequent faux pas of applying bronzer generously to her face but neglecting her hands, resulting in a perplexing contrast that had royal watchers scratching their heads and reaching for their sunglasses.

“It’s been a bronzing nightmare, darling,” Meghan confessed with her signature Valley Girl Boss accent and a theatrical sigh, waving her newly bronzed mitts for all to see. “I mean, what’s a biracial Duchess to do when her hands refuse to get the memo?”

Indeed, Meghan’s biracial heritage, which she proudly flaunts like a fashion accessory, has posed unique challenges in the world of beauty and grooming. “You try being 43% Nigerian and finding a bronzer that matches both your face and your hands,” she quipped with a wink.

But fear not, for Meghan has found a solution as bold and audacious as her entrance into the royal family. Enter the bronze gloves – the latest fashion statement to hit Buckingham Palace since the Queen’s infamous corgi-printed socks.

“Now, I can confidently wave to my adoring fans without fear of blinding them with my two-toned hands,” Meghan declared triumphantly, striking a pose that would make even the most seasoned hand model green with envy.

Royal insiders speculate that Meghan’s unconventional fashion choice may spark a new trend in the world of high society, with bronzed gloves flying off the shelves faster than royal wedding commemorative plates.

As for Prince Harry’s thoughts on his wife’s bronzed hand revelation? Well, let’s just say he’s all too familiar with Meghan’s penchant for making a statement – whether it’s with her fashion choices or her nagging remarks.